Memories, where do I lock you up?
Memories, why do I cling to you?

The gaze that lingered
The smile that made me breathless
The hands that held me tight
The tales of awe you narrated

As I sat confused
Whether I should just sit gushing
Feeling you so near my heartbeat
Hearing you breathe
Or listen to the tales you narrate

Oh, my stupid soul!
It never learned to concentrate
I could never comprehend your tales

How can I listen
When you are so near me?
How can I comprehend
When all I could hear was your heartbeat?
How can I interpret
When all I could see was you?

Oh, my stupid soul!
And, it turned heavy
Twitching for a gaze
Yearning for a touch
As we parted ways

And, I turned back one last time
To see you disappearing up the steps

And, I could feel the eyes moisten
As I turned my head away

Oh, my stupid soul!
It still clings to the memories
Wishing fervently for a rewind
Wishing I could listen to those tales
One more time!

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